Governing Body Spotlight

Governing Body Member of the Italy CIO Community

Simone Pezzoli

Group Chief Digital Technology Officer

Haier Europe

Simone is an executive in digital technology and transformation, cybersecurity, audit, risk and compliance, with international experience in consulting at top-tier financial and industrial institutions at a global scale.

Simone is currently the Group Chief Technology Officer for Haier Europe. In addition to this role, Simone also serves as an MBA Adjunct Professor and as a member of several advisory boards. Simone has been recognised in the Global CISO 100 list for 2021.

Learn more about the Italy CIO community here.

Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.

Curiosity has been the lighthouse of my entire career. After completing a Master of Science in Economics, I decided to pursue a career in risk assurance at PwC. Here, I was able to expand my knowledge across different sectors and, more importantly, into technology and cybersecurity, which quickly became my passion and a significant trait of my career.

What is one of your guiding leadership principles?

Openness and transparency are at the centre of everything I do in my life. I apply this at work in order to build trust and mutual respect at every level of business interaction.

With disruption being a key theme of the past year, where do you see your role as a technology leader going in the next 1-2 years?

My role as Group Chief Technology Officer will be at the centre of Haier Europe’s digital transformation, enabling the ambitious plan of the company to become more than a goods manufacturer and successfully transform into a ‘smart home’ ecosystem.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the role as a CIO?

Apply passion, curiosity and a continuous improvement mindset in everything you do. These are especially relevant for any role in technology where change is constant.

Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself.

  1. I used to be a semi-professional football player.
  2. I love to travel, visit new places and explore different cultures.
  3. I love food, wine and spending time with the ones I love.

What is the value of participating in a professional community through Evanta? 

Networking, learning from others and growing every single day.

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