Governing Body Spotlight

Co-Chair of the Chicago CISO Community

Bill Podborny


Constellation Brands

Bill Podborny is the VP, Chief Information Security Officer for Constellation Brands Inc. He is currently responsible for leading the Cyber Security, IT Risk Management, Governance and Compliance programs at CBI. Prior to joining CBI, Bill has held various IT and IS roles with global organizations in finance, CPG data analytics, and medical industries. Bill has held various roles in his career including serving as CISO, Director of Information Security, IT Director, IT Manager, Security Architect and Systems Engineer. Bill earned his MBA from the University of Illinois and Bachelors in IT Management from Lewis University.

A fun fact about Bill, he likes to golf as much as time permits, which he says “is not that much.”

Learn more about the Chicago CISO community here.

Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.

I have been in Information/Cyber Security for quite some time. Circumstance and opportunity is what led me down this path.

What is one of your guiding leadership principles?

Leadership should be part of everyday life – you cannot step in/step out. And each day, how you display leadership can be different.

What is the greatest challenge CISOs face today, and how are you addressing it?

The CISO role is accountable for a lot of other people and departments responsibilities.

What is the key to success for someone just starting out as a CISO?

Be as transparent as possible.

How do you measure success as a leader?

One of the best compliments/measurements of success in my career was my immediate manager telling me they sleep better at night knowing that I am leading our Information Program.

What is the value of being a member of Gartner C-level Communities?

The opportunity to meet and discuss real world challenges and opportunities with others who know what it is like to wear the CISO hat.

Gartner C-level Communities Governing Body members share their insights and leadership perspectives to shape the agendas and topics that address the top priorities impacting business leaders today.

By CISOs, For CISOs®

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