Southern California CHRO Executive Summit

November 6, 2019 | Sheraton Grand Los Angeles

November 6, 2019
Sheraton Grand Los Angeles

Collaborate with your peers

Get together with your peers to tackle top business challenges through peer-driven content and discussions at the Southern California CHRO Executive Summit.

Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CHROs today:

Leading through a new employee experience

Redesigning HR strategies, structures, and service delivery models

Modernizing mental health and well-being programs in a new era of work

Southern California CHRO Governing Body

The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CHROs, for CHROs.

Governing Body Co-Chairs

Dina Barmasse-Gray

The Cheesecake Factory
SVP, Human Resources

Kari Durham

SVP, Human Resources

Melanie Graper

CoreLogic, Inc.

Ross Pollack

Lionsgate Entertainment

Celina Scally

Apria Healthcare Group, Inc.


November 5, 2019

November 6, 2019

6:00pm - 8:30pm  Governing Body Welcome Reception

Governing Body Welcome Reception

Governing Body members host this dinner to launch the event with an evening of peer networking.

11:20am - 11:45am  Networking Break

11:45am - 12:30pm  Lunch & Comments

Lunch & Interactive Discussion

In this networking lunch you have the opportunity to hold relevant conversations with peers facing similar challenges and opportunities in a specific industry. The below questions are a guideline for you to start your topical table conversations.

  • HR/business partnership
    • How are you aligning the overall people strategy to business strategy/ priorities?
    • What HR metrics does your board or executive team care about most? How do you use these metrics to link back to business strategy?
    • How do you leverage talent management technology and tools to achieve key business outcomes?
  • Diversity and inclusion
    • In what ways are executives supporting the advancement of diverse groups?
    • How are you measuring the progress and improvement in your culture for diverse groups at your organization?
    • What are your most prominent diversity and inclusion challenges and successes?
  • Learning and development
    • How has learning and development evolved at your organization? What does the workforce need in the 21st Century for L&D?
    • In this era of on demand fulfillment, how are you bringing a Netflix-like, consumer approach to learning within your organization?
    • How are you aligning your learning programs with your business needs?
  • Talent analytics
    • What are you hoping to solve for? What are your goals with analytics? What are the top things you’re hoping to get better at?
    • How are you utilizing analytics to better predict talent needs in the next six to twelve months?
    • What barriers are you facing as you try to move towards actionable analytics? How are you changing the culture of doubt around what HR can bring to the table on analytics?
  • Digital transformation
    • How are you keeping people at the center of delivery decisions?
    • Are you utilizing AI in HR optimization? How are you leveraging technology to allow for optimization of HR?
    • How have emerging technologies played into the gamification of key initiatives like recruitment or employee engagement in your HR program?

12:30pm - 1:00pm  Keynote

Culture, Community and Belonging

Molly Hill headshot

Molly Hill

Vice President, Global Talent

Starbucks Coffee Company

Sameer Chowdhri headshot

Sameer Chowdhri

Global Head of HR Solutions

Workplace by Facebook

Creating a culture of belonging at work gives people purpose, meaning and sense of community. This is particularly relevant given how employee expectations have changed, especially when it comes to physical and digital workplace. Starbucks’ mission is to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. It takes the same approach to the employee experience in an effort to create meaningful experiences for its employees.

In this fireside chat, Molly Hill and Sameer Chowdri will explore:

  • Why a sense of belonging is important to employees
  • What changing employee expectations mean for your culture
  • How leaders can create a culture of belonging

1:00pm - 1:20pm  Networking Break

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Breakout Session

Developing Talent to Retain Talent

Edie Givens headshot

Edie Givens


Sony Pictures Entertainment

With Sony Pictures Entertainment’s emerging talent leaving for career development opportunities elsewhere, Edie Givens harnessed insights from her 20 years in Silicon Valley to design a multi-faceted development program. 

 In this session, Givens will share: 

  • How to create a relevant, in demand learning strategy leveraging qualitative and quantitative data
  • How to get your executives on board to sponsor development
  • Examples of courses that are in high demand in a transformative industry

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Breakout Session

The Benefits of Early Intervention in Health Care

Scott Doolittle headshot

Scott Doolittle


Quantum Health

Gary Velasquez headshot

Gary Velasquez



Trends in health care cost reduction have come and gone, but health care navigation has steadily evolved to provide employers with significant savings and employees with measurably better outcomes.

In this session, you’ll hear:

  • Data-driven insights in health care navigation
  • The benefits of early intervention and preventive health care
  • The impact of consumer navigation on preventive health care utilization

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Executive Boardroom

Employer Branding — Beyond the EVP

Michael Adamson headshot

Michael Adamson

Vice President, Global HR Operations

UST Global

Martha Tuma headshot

Martha Tuma


City National Bank

Amy Schwenck-Lewis headshot

Amy Schwenck-Lewis

Regional Sales Director


You’re hiring; so is the competition. To stand apart from the crowd, companies are employing tools from the marketing world to build compelling employer brands.

In this boardroom, you will discuss:

  • Building on your employee value proposition to create an employer brand
  • Attracting the right talent for your needs
  • Leveraging your brand to drive your culture

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact PJ Marcello at

7:30am - 8:15am  Registration & Breakfast

8:15am - 8:30am  Opening Comments

8:30am - 9:00am  Keynote

The Right Kind of Crazy — A True Story of Teamwork

Adam Steltzner headshot

Adam Steltzner

Team Leader & Chief Engineer EDL, NASA Mars Rover Curiosity

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

From aspiring rock star going to a history-making rocket scientist, Adam Steltzner is one of NASA’s leading – and most unique – innovators. Adam led the breakthrough team that invented the ingenious “sky crane” landing system that landed the Mars rover Curiosity on the Martian surface 300 million miles from Earth in 2012. Now leading NASA’s Mars 2020 Project, Adam demonstrates how the power of curiosity enhances teamwork, elevates leadership and positively impacts business outcomes.

In this keynote, you’ll learn:

  • How organizational culture can support performance
  • What makes teams gel and what pitfalls to avoid
  • How to enable innovative thinking and drive excellence

9:00am - 9:20am  Networking Break

9:20am - 10:10am  Breakout Session

The Role of HR in IT Security

Michele Hoff headshot

Michele Hoff

VP, Human Resources, Americas

Epson America

Michael Wang headshot

Michael Wang

CIO & VP, Digital Innovation

Epson America

IT security is critically important for every organization, and the problem isn’t going away. In this conversation, Michele Hoff and Michael Wang of Epson America discuss how HR and IT can partner to stay ahead of an evolving threat.

Join this session to learn about:

  • Attracting and retaining tech talent
  • Identifying stress within IT security talent 
  • Peer benchmarks on broader technology trends

9:20am - 10:10am  Breakout Session

How to Develop a Winning Health Plan

David Ross headshot

David Ross

Executive Vice President and Director of Underwriting Services

Hays Companies

You’re trying to develop a winning health strategy, but common industry practices can actually work against your employer-sponsored plans.

In this interactive seminar, you’ll learn:

  • Why so many employers fail at health plan management
  • How “best practices” can repel talent and sour culture
  • What you can do to minimize costs and maximize employee satisfaction

9:20am - 10:10am  Executive Boardroom

Maximize Business Value With a Next-Generation Employee Experience

Alexander Arrieta headshot

Alexander Arrieta

Chief People Officer, SVP HR

United Pacific

Victor Santillan headshot

Victor Santillan

Head of Human Resources

Grifols, Inc.

Jen Stroud headshot

Jen Stroud

HR Evangelist & Transformation Leader


With every initiative, HR executives have an opportunity to advance the business through delivering an exceptional employee experience. Powered by intelligent cross-functional digital workflows that mirror the modern consumer-style experience, organizations can unlock more productivity, and increase retention through a human-centered experience — all while positioning themselves as employers of choice.

Join this boardroom session and discuss:

  • Aligning overall people strategy to business outcomes
  • Using consumer-grade technology to build truly meaningful employee experiences
  • Keeping people at the center of all delivery decisions and enabling a self-service culture

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact PJ Marcello at

10:10am - 10:30am  Networking Break

10:30am - 11:20am  Breakout Session

Human Capital — Getting ROI From Your Human Resources

Kevin Tackaberry headshot

Kevin Tackaberry

EVP, Human Resources


In this session, Kevin Tackaberry shares a model for aligning human capital strategy with business strategy, providing practical examples from his time at loanDepot.

In this session, you’ll hear about:

  • Measuring the ROI of your HR function
  • Identifying areas to add more value
  • Navigating hard-to-wrangle C-suite partners

10:30am - 11:20am  Breakout Session

Engagement “Rights” for Achieving Your Outcomes

Amy Leschke-Kahle headshot

Amy Leschke-Kahle

VP Performance Acceleration

The Marcus Buckingham Company

Fancy apps, drawn-out focus groups, and complicated initiatives don’t promote engagement. In fact, those efforts can be counterproductive. But what’s the right way to drive engagement?

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • The right questions to ask, and the right time to ask them
  • The right people to receive your engagement data
  • The right actions to drive engagement

10:30am - 11:20am  Executive Boardroom

Courageous Conversations — Removing Stigma on Mental Health

Michele Hoff headshot

Michele Hoff

VP, Human Resources, Americas

Epson America

Ross Pollack headshot

Ross Pollack


Lionsgate Entertainment

Dr. John Rott headshot

Dr. John Rott

Regional Assistant Medical Director & Board-Certified Pediatrician

Kaiser Permanente

Many employees will experience a mental health challenge and will struggle in silence even though these conditions are common and treatable.

Join this conversation to explore:

  • Setting the tone for a productive and mentally healthy workforce
  • Creating awareness and encouraging acceptance around mental health care
  • Structuring policies and providing benefits and coverage that lead to healthier outcomes

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact PJ Marcello at

2:10pm - 2:30pm  Networking Break

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Breakout Session

Communication Strategies to Improve the Employee Experience

Keith Kitani headshot

Keith Kitani

Co-Founder and CEO


While some organizations treat communication as an afterthought, it’s actually the most critical driver in getting employees engaged, aligned and excited about the priorities of your business. 

In this session, Keith Kitani will discuss:

  • Communication strategies to drive business and cultural change
  • How to improve employee program adoption
  • Tactics to improve your employee communications

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Executive Boardroom

Wellness for the Future of Work

Deborah Cegielski headshot

Deborah Cegielski

Chief Human Resource Officer

OSI Systems

Ellen Sheehan headshot

Ellen Sheehan

Executive Director


Regan Turner headshot

Regan Turner

Strategic Account Leader


Employee health and wellness is a critical driver of organizational transformation, not simply a component of employee compensation.

In this boardroom, you'll discuss:

  • How wellness can be the key in transforming an organization
  • What benefits organizations are implementing to attract across the generations
  • How employee turnover and retention can be impacted by corporate wellness

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact PJ Marcello at

2:30pm - 3:20pm  Executive Boardroom

Making the On-Demand Workforce Work for You

Sadie Stern headshot

Sadie Stern

Senior Vice President & Chief HR Officer

3D Systems Corporation

Kevin Tackaberry headshot

Kevin Tackaberry

EVP, Human Resources


Tracy Ting headshot

Tracy Ting

Chief Human Resources Officer

Encore Capital Group

You need flexibility your workforce. Meanwhile, there is an untapped army of workers looking for flexible or part-time working arrangements. 

In this boardroom, you’ll discuss:

  • Rethinking workforce planning to incorporate gig workers
  • Tailoring the employee experience for an on-demand workforce
  • Creating an agile, on-demand pool of employees that can scale with your needs

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to C-level executives). To reserve your seat, please contact PJ Marcello at

3:20pm - 3:40pm  Networking Break

3:40pm - 3:50pm  Closing Comments

3:50pm - 4:20pm  Keynote

Benchmarking Belonging — An Interactive Experience

Dina Barmasse-Gray headshot

Dina Barmasse-Gray

SVP, Human Resources

The Cheesecake Factory

Wendy Macy headshot

Wendy Macy

General Manager

City of Los Angeles

Ashley Kelloff headshot

Ashley Kelloff

Chief Talent Officer

Paul Hastings

Cindy Ballard headshot

Cindy Ballard


ICM Partners

One of the best ways to check your assumptions in business is to know where you stand among your peers and allow them to challenge your assumptions. But even if you have a speed-dial full of trusted associates, this type of information sharing can be piecemeal and infrequent. 

This interactive session is your chance to:

  • Baseline inclusion in your workplace
  • Compare initiatives with a cross-section of your peers
  • Walk away with actionable insights

4:20pm - 5:00pm  Closing Reception & Prize Drawing

November 5, 2019

November 6, 2019


Venue & Accommodation

Sheraton Grand Los Angeles

Your Community Partners

National Thought Leaders
National Sponsors
Global Thought Leader

Community Program Manager

For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.

PJ Marcello

Program Manager

(971) 978-5031